Thursday, January 28, 2010

Top 10 Movies

1. The Lion King
Ultimate orginal disney movie, shows the circle of life and forgiveness

2. Message in a bottle
Romance, not always a good ending but shows a person to take what a person has taught you abd turn it into a good work in your life

3. Flicka
shows a western value to the great american life, shows a girl that wants to carry out her dream of ranching and her hand work pays off and committment and relationships with her horse.

4. The notebook
Romance, expressing the older value of time of love and relationships. shows a message always hold on to what you believe in.

5. PS I Love You
Romance, Shows how to move on from a great loss and benefit from that positvie and loving affect that person had on you.

6. Elf
christmas comedy, great family movie

7. Miracle on 34th street
christmas and following what you beleive

8 Hitch
Comedy and Romance, shows their is someone out there for everyone it just takes time

9. A Walk To Remember
Romance, message shows love is powerful and you can remain loving even after that person has passed.

10. The Wedding Planner
Romance, great actors and great story of love and how you can fall in love when the time is right